AMA Supermoto round 2-IMI motorsports complex
Butters: The second and third round of the 2023 AMA Supermoto championship was initially scheduled to have round 2 at Colorado National Speedway on Saturday June 3 followed by Round 3 on Sunday June 4 at IMI motorsports complex, just a couple miles away. This double header weekend was the weekend on the AMA Sm schedule I was most excited for. I have raced both tracks over the years with Colorado Supermoto but the weather had different plans. CNS cancelled the event on Thursday due to heavy rain but luckily for us IMI was able to accommodate us Supermoto people both days. I wasn’t to bummed about losing cns since IMI has 5 possible track layouts for Supermoto with 2 different dirt section, so it gave the opportunity to have two rounds with the option for different track layouts.
On Friday it looked as though the dirt dried out enough to use the dirt, but Saturday the rain just lightly kept raining most of the day and the clay turned unridable quickly, I gooned out trying out the dirtsection and re injured my knee that I had hurt about a month before. I wanted to cry, mainly cause we where gonna have to run asphalt only.
Simp: Overall it was an awesome weekend. Had some ups and downs but I snagged my first win so I can’t complain. Slightly bummed we didn’t do CNS just because I’ve never raced there but I was also stoked to do IMI only because I have a lot of seat time there and wouldn’t have to learn lines.
JBang:I was disappointed when CNS was canceled, primarily because I was hoping for a diverse experience. The weather forecast predicted rain throughout the entire weekend, which made me nervous since I had limited experience dealing with rainy conditions. However, I maintained my excitement about attending IMI, as it offered various alternatives layouts (though we ultimately didn't pursue any of them).
Austin Pecoraro giving the scoop to his pops. I wonder how many Supermoto races Paul P has been to over the years? At least 175 or so I’d say.
photo: Katys Photography
Assphalt open
100 Jorge Duhart 1-1
51 Giorgio Cravotto 2-2
18 Jimmy Westover 3-3
77 Julien Cassels 5-4
429 Will Sequino 4-5
Amateur Assphalt
471 Russ Plane 1-1
487 Graham Watson 2-2
777 Seth Berger 3-3
37 Corey Gushwa 6-4
177 Zachery Griswold 5-5
177 Todd Griswold 4-6
929 Allan Ballard 7-7
292 Jonathan Sanchez 8-8
SMR’s editor and chief executive sender Johnny Bang
photo: Katys Photography
Moto 1 grid of Asphalt open
photo: Katys Photography
The 471 of Russ Plane was ripping fast in the amateur classes.
photo: Katys Photography
Jorge Duhart And Giorgio Cravotto battle for the win in Asphalt
photo: Katys Photography
Asphalt open start
photo: Katys Photography
National Amateur
471 Russ Plane 1-2
69 Zach Klassen 4-1
44 Tony Wenck 3-2
441 Mikael Sedlacek 2-5
487 Graham Watson 6-4
251 Clayton Moyer 5-7
37 Corey Gushwa 7-8
191 Jeff Rydalch 10-6
292 Jonathan Sanchez 9-9
177 Zachery Griswold 8-10
77 Julien Cassels 11-11
124 Shaundell Ross 12-12
97 Nicholas Hansen 13-13
jbang: The AM class continues to exceed expectations, evolving with each passing round. The level of competition is remarkable, as ANY of the top contenders have the potential to emerge victorious, each showcasing unique attributes that set them apart from one another. I went down and rode scared all weekend, I seem to have nothing for these guys this year.
butters: The top six was a battle in this class, you could almost throw a blanket over these dudes. These Immature’s also got to experience the most drastic difference in the weather for track condition than the other classes moto 1 was wet and moto 2 was dry ish. I think most guys had a rear slick on with a rain front, Mike on bikes look to have slicks front and rear. Plane and Klassen stuck out to me as far as progression in speed. Points leader Graham Watson had a huge get off on Friday so I’m a fan of the heart and perseverance he showed.
Simp: Amateur class was ripping this round! It was cool to finally be able to watch the motos and see the battles. The rain definitely split up the class a little but the top couple guys were shredding. I had just passed Graham when he crashed and heard his bike sliding behind me. Pretty gnarly that he went the whole weekend with broken ribs. Respect.
national Amateur was a fun race to spectate the top 6 was a battle the entire race
photo: Katys Photography
I like to know the context behind Tony Wenck with the bag of mcD’s right after the race. I think tony did more races/laps than anyone
photo: Katys Photography
Clayton Moyer has been battle adversity on and off the track but continues to impress
photo: Katys Photography
Russ Plane reigned supreme over the AM classes with pro class speed
photo: Katys Photography
Pro lites
324 Ryan Samp 1-1
929 Charles Buffum 2-2
479 Mike Eller 3-3
121 Daniel Raygor 4-4
357 Kameron Barboa 5-5
Simp: Moto 1
I guess I like rain races. Started off the day by qualifying P1 (a first for me) and getting a good grid spot. I decided to not take advantage of that and instead get a bad start, putting me third into turn 1. I was able to get around Mike Eller (affectionately known as “Sketchballs”) in the first lap but it took me three or four more to get close enough to make a move on Charlie. I Definitely think the reason I won here was because I have more experience at that track and know the lines better. I was able to use that to my advantage going around the horseshoe corner because Charlie was taking a wider line into that corner and I was able to tuck underneath and take the rest of his line away for the second apex. Once I got around charlie I was able to put my head down and get a little bit of a lead and walk away with the W. It was pretty awesome crossing the checkered flag first and having to pass a few people to do it.
This moto win was the product of a quick tire change decision and Charlie tucking the front. Moto 1 was pretty much full rain conditions but by the time moto 2 started the sun had come out for a little bit and dried the track out. It was a last minute call to switch the rear tire from a rain to a slick. Luckily the moto was postponed by 15 minutes so I had a little time to get a tire warmer on it before the race started. We definitely made the right call, the track had dried out even more and I had awesome traction the whole time. Unfortunately for Charlie, going into the turn at the top of the hill he tucked the front which caused Mike to slide and highside. Somehow Sketchballs was able to run it out…He might be Spiderman. I was able to avoid the downed bikes by cutting down and going inside. Once I got around them I had open track the rest of the moto and got the overall Win. It was cool to be able to ride on rain tires and slicks in the same day and feel how the traction changed throughout the day. By the end of the motos the left side of my rear rain tire had almost no tread left. It was pretty gnarly how much traction a new set of rain tires give you and how much you can ask of them in a corner.
butters: 250f’s are so fun to ride sm on
Dan Raygor is like myself, a long time SM og. He brought out is old carbuated honda and was one of the few Local colorado racers to brave the weather
I ride ever week with Simpy out in the New Mexico desert, so im not really surprised. His progress on the bike is annoying to say the least. It not going to be long before I have to worry about him beating me.
Charlie threw it away and we lost out on a battle for the overall.
Sketchballs! AMA supermoto’s winingest Amateur got his first pro lites podium
jbang: Ryan Samp Fucks. His progress hasn’t seemed to find a plateu. Charlie went down on the opening lap but it seemed Ryan had a little speed on him on Saturday. Shout out to Kam for taking a break from SX and trying SM.
With the Supercross series over we talked Kameron Barboa into giving Supermoto a try, here he leads Colorado Supermoto president Shaundell Ross
photo: Katys Photography
Buff and Simpy where on another level in the 250 Pro Lites class
photo: Katys Photography
Simply simpy
photo: Katys Photography
Dan Raygor experiencing his local track in that rare wet condition
Pro lites Podium 1st: 324 Ryan Samp 2nd: 929 Charlie Buffum 3rd: 479 Mike Eller
photo: Katys Photography
Open Pro
41 Nicky Reimer 1-1
109 Sean Butterman 2-2
33 Dawson Schieffer 3-3
80 Brady Tausan 4-4
175 Austin Pecoraro 5-5
929 Charles Buffum 6-6
479 Mike Eller 8-7
324 Ryan Samp 7-8
429 Will Sequino 9-9
butters: I got the holeshot moto 1, my wife couldn’t believe it. Starts have always been my achilles heel. Nick flew by and was gone. Dawson kept me honest until the end. Dawson speed looks to have come back from a rough knee injury a year or two ago, he joined Reimer as the only other rider to get under a minute laptime. Damn kids.
Second moto Reimer got me into turn 1 but to our surprise Bad Brady Tausan comes around the outside of us spinning up the rear dragging his peg. Nick and Brady collided into turn two resulting in Nick on the ground. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing as I manage to avoid the wreckage. Tausan managed to stay up somehow, the incident only heavily affect Dawson and Nick. I got mesmerized for a couple laps by Brady’s sweet slides, but found my way around when he blew a corner. I’m just cruising my rear tire completely shot, then i hear a bike and im like shit who caught me? no way is it Nicky. It was Nicky. Dawson was catching me too! I picked up my pace and fended him off, it felt great since all Dawson does is beat me on MxBikes.
It was a cool podium to share with Nick and Dawson, I’ve watched them grow up and get annoyingly fast. Huge thanks to Ron Reed for coming out to wrench for me and Jimmy Westover for taping and wrapping my knee, I Appreciate you guys. Also Klutch Industries got me some really cool custom MVD racewear that I was amped on. Hit them up for a custom sm suit or moto gear. I finally got Samples of cartel spice hot sauces that I kept to myself cause they were literally to good, looking forward to getting my hands on the Cobra Chicken hot sauce Sequino’s has been hiding
Simp: Open pro was tough this weekend. I didn’t have a set of rains for the 450 so I had to run the 250 for all the open pro motos. I didn’t do too bad but definitely noticed the lack of power in a couple spots. Had a crash in moto one going onto the back straight. Tires were a little worn and I was trying to give everything the 250 had and spun up coming out of the corner. Luckily it was a low side and I slid good so I was able to get right back up and finish the moto. Second moto was average. Still had issues with lack of power but I was able to keep rubber side down so It wasn’t too bad. Really wish I was able to run the RSR 450 in Open pro to see if I could’ve finished a few places better. Looking forward to getting more seat time on that bike and finding the same flow I have on the 250.
jbang: Nicky’s Euro Training is showing. Seems like Sean has nothing for him. Injured or not Sean just doesn’t seem to want to beat Nicky. Maybe its age. Maybe he’s washed up.
Brady looked hungry and started good both motos.
I Miss RSR.
Dawson shows natural skill as always. I think he’s got even more in him.
Samps times shows he could’ve been hanging with AP but I don’t think he knows how to ride his 450 yet. I’ve asked him to come practice some SM but he only trains on Groms and one wheels.
Our hero Tossin Dawson Schieffer
photo: Katys Photography
Brady was trying to find the fast line into turn one, but that not it man.
Simpy: “Thought I saw a penny” -brady probably
photo: Katys Photography
Open Bro starting grid
photo: Katys Photography
Reimer and Tausan collide into turn 2 resulting in Reimer on the ground. I had a first row seat it was wild, what was wilder was Reimer came back to pass us all….
photo: Katys Photography
Brady Tausan throwing sparks at as he lead the first couple laps of Open Pro moto 2. Bad Brad is fun to watch ride
photo: Katys Photography
Open Pro Podium 1st: 41 Nicky Reimer 2nd: 109 Sean Butterman 3rd: Dawson Schieffer
photo: Katys Photography
Overall it was a very long day but Alex Mock and crew did the best they could with the circumstances. Jeff Rydalch of toxic moto, and his slave Ryno, had a crazy day of tire changes for wet and then back to dry by the last two races. They sold every last set of rain tires Jeff had. So there we were ready to do again the next day for round 3.
thanks to Katy for the photos!
thanks for reading and being apart of the supermoto community
-SMR dorks